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How to fix CPANEL permissions issue

I run a dedicated server which uses CPANEL/WHM.

My client wanted to duplicate their website and it was absolutely massive, around 10 gb with a lot of pictures and files in some of their folders. They wanted to also keep their existing website as well, so I had to figure out a way to copy their entire 10gb website over to a new account.

Compressing the website files, downloading and re-uploading was not an option because it would’ve taken all day, so I thought of a different way around it.

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Gravity Forms confirmation emails going to spam – FIXED

I don’t know about you, but I love Gravity Forms in WordPress, it’s such a useful plugin for creation of fast, on-the-fly forms. I use Gravity Forms in nearly every website I create. Despite how good it is, I’ve had some problems recently receiving gravity form e-mails to my e-mail.

What’s happening exactly? So, someone comes onto my website and wants to enquire for more information. They fill out a small enquiry form and voila! an email should be sent to me with their details so that I can contact them. Ideally, the contact form should be sending to my e-mail, but be from the person enquiring so that I can click reply to the e-mail and it responds back to them without having to open a new message and copy their e-mail address into it.

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Send e-mails to user account email and billing email in WooCommerce

I had this small, annoying problem the other day which is contributing to my hair loss. It was the ability to CC a user into WooCommerce e-mail correspondence. So basically, when WooCommerce sends an e-mail to your customer when their order is placed and completed, I want it to send the email to another user too. That’s all and well if you want to send it to one user for every order, but what I needed was a bit different.

When a customer sets up an account in WooCommerce, they can specify their account login (this is the login / username they use to log into your website), they can also specify a billing e-mail, which would basically mean that any billing related emails, like confirmations from your online shop would go to just the billing e-mail that this customer has provided. That’s fine! BUT – if you for some reason want your user account e-mail and your billing account e-mail to both receive this e-mail, that’s where WooCommerce falls short.  I spent hours on end trying to figure out how I can make it work, and I have finally have.

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Top 10 Essential Plugins for WordPress

WordPress is an amazing CMS, being used by beginners to experts – it’s a very robust system and can be used for simple blogging (like this website) or complex websites and e-commerce stores.

I love WordPress myself, I find it very simple to use and because there’s such a large community of users and contributors you can usually find a plugin that will help you achieve a goal on your website with the minimum of cost or fuss. With that being said, you also need to be careful about which plugins you use.

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Top 5 Business WordPress Themes for March 2016

March has seen a decent amount of new WordPress themes hit the market, some are absolute rubbish, abusing every element of jQuery they can. Using animations and preloaders and everything in between.

What ever happened to good, simple, fast design without the need for over-the-top animations? Who knows, every month they’re getting crazier and the amount of work needed to make a template work is usually longer than coding it from scratch.

Anyway! I’ve trawled through the themes on the various websites and in my opinion, these are the best WordPress themes on offer for March 2016.

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Top 3 Best Invoicing Systems for Small Businesses

Invoicing is an important part of making money for your business. There’s some good software available, self-hosted and cloud based that can help you invoice your customers like a boss.

When considering my top 3 invoicing systems, I ask, how much can it be customised to my business? How simple is it to use? and How will my invoices look for my clients?

I’ve tried a few invoicing systems and can provide you with some recommended invoicing systems, best to use for small businesses including web design businesses and freelancers.

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resize images fast in windows

How to resize multiple images FAST in Windows

Ever taken photos on your SLR camera or phone and they’re huge? Like – over 5 mb?

Have you ever then needed to send those images to your family, friend, boss or upload them onto facebook?

Surely you don’t want to spend all night uploading 50 images equaling 200mb? Take the shortcut and resize your images using in built Windows functionality.

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Stop WordPress admin bar overlapping your Navbar in Bootstrap

If you’re using bootstrap in your WordPress theme and you’re using a fixed top menu, you’ll notice when you’re logged into WordPress as as administrator that your admin bar overlaps your page menu. It doesn’t affect your visitors, but for anyone administrators logging in, it can make it look untidy.

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