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Add featured image to admin table in WordPress for custom post type

On a project I’m doing, I created a custom post type for a catalogue and want the featured image to display on the admin table.

My custom post type is called “product” and I want to limit the feature to only the “product” custom post type. Here’s how I did it.

I added this into functions.php

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Remove container and UL on WordPress nav menu

Sometimes you might want to programatically include other things in your menu in WordPress and to do that you will want to control the UL tags so you can insert other LI items within it.
The code below will allow you to spit out ONLY the LI tags from a WordPress Nav Menu, you will have to wrap it in UL yourself so you can add extra LI.

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Simple WordPress User Restriction Tutorial without using Plugins

When you need to restrict users in WordPress, there are heaps of plugins you can download. Personally, I think too many plugins is a bad practice in WordPress, it can lead to “plugin bloat”, where your website can be slowed down and you’re reliant on too many plugins to make your site work.

In the video below, you will see how I manage user restrictions quite easily using a must use plugin in WordPress and a few minutes of my time.

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WordPress taxonomy terms and comments count showing zero after import

A client recently needed me to migrate a lot of posts and tags to WordPress from a different CMS.
After importing all of the tags and posts to WordPress, I noticed that If I went to the tags page, all of the tags were listed, but they were all showing as ‘0’ even though the tags were assigned to posts. This was specifically used for a custom post type and custom taxonomy.
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